Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Magic ebay has delivered!

HAHA thanks to the magic of the fantastic digital jumblesale I have finally recieved several old osscilascopes which I hope to be building into my new machine....finally will be able to post some of my work

Friday, 15 May 2009

It lives!!!!

Well it catches on fire actually!

Stand back we are trying Science!

Stand back we are trying Science!

Here are a few picture of my assistant boffins, work hard on reconfiguring the Transmatter Helmet, after last weeks little "accident"

Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Behold the Mighty Steam Tank

Again apologies for not posting for a while, I have been distracted from the vagaries of time travel in order to complete my latests order...the Mighty Steam Tank! Enemies of mankind will tremble before its gargantuan firepower.....

Thursday, 19 March 2009

Transmatter Helmet

More updates on the early Blueprints of my New Device "The Mind Wave Spectrograph" I have completed the build of the Transmatter Helmet! I hope to be uploading some new picture of the actual device to the weblogatron as soon as my damned camera is working again!

Tuesday, 24 February 2009


My sincerest apologies for not writing anything over the new year, myself and my good friend and colleague have been in the midst of a rather tricky time travel experiment!

However now safely back in 2009 we can resume work on the Dimensional time device and hopefully update and edificate our esteemed readers.